Oatmeal from our childhood turned into a chocolatey treat


As a Christmas present, my brother and his girlfriend had given me a jar containing most of the ingredients for a paleo biscuit, layered up nicely. I put the jar on my kitchen table as a decoration for now, but as we were sitting there, sipping our morning tea and coffee, we started a conversation about whether or not oats can be considered paleo, because the main ingredient in the jar are oats. Miki said that they were fine as long as they were pure, meaning that they are free from gluten. This made him remember that he actually had some pure oats at home, and a recipe quickly unfolded. Now, I have to tell you about one more thing. I think I have briefly mentioned before that sports (especially kettlebell) play a huge part in our lives. During the past three days we worked out slightly more than usual, so today was a well-deserved rest day and all the more reason to reward ourselves with a little treat. Oatmeal is something we haven’t had since we were kids, so it was nice to revisit this old and simple recipe, and turn it into a super quick and delicious paleo dessert. If you also have a reason to reward yourself (I’m sure you do, it can be anything :D), then here is our little recipe for instant happiness. Your tummy is already saying yes, I can hear the appreciative growls.

For the two of us, we used:

  • 80g of pure, gluten free oat flakes
  • 4dl of coconut milk
  • 2dl of water
  • half a handful of raisins
  • 2 tablespoonfuls of erythritol
  • cinnamon
  • sugar free, 22% cocoa powder
  • 1 bar/100g of at least 70% dark chocolate (we used a chili flavoured one)
  • 2 teaspoonfuls of honey
  • some walnuts for decoration

We added the coconut milk and the water into a medium sized cooking pan and started to boil the mixture, then we added in the oats, the raisins, the erythritol and the cinnamon. A little later, we also added the cocoa powder and the dark chocolate. It only took about 12 minutes for the oatmeal to congeal to a nice spongy texture. After scooping it out into two small bowls, we added the walnuts, the honey and a square of the dark chocolate that we had saved for this purpose. I think the photo speaks for itself. 😉

6 thoughts on “Oatmeal from our childhood turned into a chocolatey treat

  1. wirednoli

    Huh, már az is leszívta az agyam hogy angolul elolvassam, így csak magyarul tudok válaszolni 😛
    Szóval nem tudom hogy lehet hogy van valami gluten free zabpehely, de édesapám aki gluténérzékeny nem ehet zabot sem, így én arra szavaznék hogy ha a paleo annak kitétele hogy gluten free akkor nem az.
    De ettől még nekem megkordult a hasam a recept olvasatán 😀


    • Zsófi

      Egyetérek, ha szigorúan vesszük, akkor szerintem sem paleolit a zabpehely. 🙂 Meg amúgy a gluténérzékenységnek is vannak fokozatai, Miki mesélte, hogy volt olyan vevőjük, aki az elvileg gluténmentesített zabpehelytől (amit itt is használtunk) is sajnos azonnal hányt :/


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