Cold cut dinner, starring smoked African catfish


IMAG1114After two nearly successful attempts at destroying my kitchen this week (namely a frozen whole duck with its intestines stuck inside in it in a plastic bag, and the aftermath of frying the duck in my oven and spilling a generous amount of fat in there), we didn’t have much enthusiasm left on Thursday to cook again. Luckily this never has to mean ordering pizza or starving to death, especially when you’ve had your fourth workout of the week (we both did) and have no desire whatsoever to stuff your body with junk. So just like in the case of making brunch, we already had some of the ingredients sitting around in the fridge, and just quickly stopped by Tesco to add a couple more things. You may notice that there are muffins in the picture though, so yeah, I did do a bit of messing around in the kitchen earlier during the day, only to cure my sadness caused by having to wait too long for a response concerning a job. It worked, and I assure you that after finishing this dinner, there was not an ounce of sadness left in either Miki or me. Umm, okay, we had a glass of white wine, too. 😛

Obviously you can put together a cold cut dinner in endless ways, but just for the sake of a proper blogpost, I’ll list everything that we had here. There were:

  • 5 slices of bacon
  • approximately a 15cm-long piece of a sausage
  • 20dkg of smoked African catfish fillet (this truly stole the show)
  • a pack of creamy goat cheese
  • a red bell pepper


The salad consisted of:

  • one baby lettuce
  • a few slices of cucumber
  • some leftover yellow bell pepper
  • a few small red onions
  • 2 garlic chives
  • some leftover red cabbage
  • a sprinkling of linseeds
  • olive oil, salt, two cloves of smashed garlic and some lemon juice as dressing


The recipe for the super easy muffins (they’re like my go-to muffins) is as follows:

  • 20dkg of shredded dried coconut (I also put it into my coffee grinder for a smoother texture)
  • 10dkg of ground poppy seeds
  • 3 eggs
  • 10dkg of raisins
  • 10dkg of pitted dried plums, cut into smaller pieces
  • 3 tablespoons of erythritol
  • a coffeespoonful of baking soda

Boil some water, and pour it over the dried fruits (you can use any fruit you like, raisins and plums are just the most easily available and affordable ones for me). Cover the bowl and let it sit for like 5-10 minutes, or simply while you mix the rest of the ingredients. Add the coconut and the poppy seeds into a bowl, mix in the baking soda and the erythritol, and then add the eggs. Once you have stirred them in, pour in all the dried fruits with the water. By this time, they’ll be soft and they will have soaked up some of the hot water. The remaining water will help the mixture hold together somewhat. It may seem a little too runny at first, but if you keep stirring, the coconut soaks up a lot of water. Scoop the mixture into baking forms. Bake them on medium heat (~180°C) for about 15-20 minutes, but check them regularly cause it’s easy to burn them. This amount gave me 14 muffins (I used medium sized silicone muffin cups).

What’s your go-to meal when you have no time or energy to cook but still want to eat healthy? Let us know! 😉

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