Pork loin with mushroom & tomatoes


IMAG1117The other day something entirely unexpected happened: I (yes, me, Zsófi) made something that managed to get a ton of compliments from the Master Chef himself, what is more, he insisted that I turn it into a blogpost. I think the last time I made something this successful the blog had not yet existed, so I must grab this rare opportunity and give you the recipe for this dish of pork loin slices. The amount I made serves two pretty well if you are average people, but if one of you is an SFG instructor after his workout, I suggest making a larger amount. 🙂

  • 0.5kg of pork loin slices
  • 2 red onions, cut into rings
  • 15dkg of oyster mushrooms (champignons would be just as good)
  • 8 cocktail tomatoes cut in half (or 3 regular tomatoes cut into thick slices)
  • 10dkg of cheese, grated
  • salt, pepper, paprika, marjoram and parsley
  • coconut oil

Cut the mushrooms into medium sized pieces and sautee them on some coconut oil. While they are in the frying pan, grease the pan you’ll be roasting the meat in with some oil too, and lay the onion rings on the bottom. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the pork slices and layer them on top of the onions. Sprinkle them with some paprika, and then it’s time for the mushroom layer: distribute them evenly and sprinkle them with salt, parsley and marjoram (or your spice of preference). The tomato layer is next, place them on top of the mushrooms, add some more salt and then add the grated cheese. You can pour a bit of water or wine in the pan (I used water as I had no wine at hand). Cover and place in the oven on medium heat, it needs about an hour and a half. Take the cover off towards the end so that the cheese layer on the top can get a little crispy and attain a nice golden brown colour.

IMAG1118As a side, we had a nice salad with the meat. It was a rather random one though made up of:

  • iceberg lettuce
  • red cabbage
  • cocktail tomatoes
  • celery
  • one avocado
  • sesame seeds.

The dressing contained olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and crushed garlic.

Here’s a close-up of the finished result:

IMAG1122As I mentioned, unfortunately the meat was not quite enough for Miki, so he added two fried eggs. Sounds simple, but I must share the following image with you, as it had never occured to me before that celery slices make perfectly arched eyebrows. 😛

Food is like poetry, isn’t it? 🙂

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